Bible Friends Star
NOTE: Requirements for this award have been adapted to fit the needs of our club.
1. Paul and Silas were two missionary friends in the Bible that traveled together to share the good news about Jesus' love to everyone who would listen. Unfortunately, sometimes people didn't like what these two friends had to say. Find out what happened when Paul and Silas were staying in Philippi.
2. The Bible says, "There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24). Paul and Silas were friends, but they were brothers in Christ. They stuck together through good times and difficult times as they worked for Jesus. Let's play a game called Sticky Friends. Let's sit down facing each other. Then, stick our palms together in front of us. Now, let's try to get up on our feet (parent might end up squatting) without becoming unstuck!
3. Do page 19 in the Little Lamb Activity Book. OR Draw and color a picture of the Bible friends - Paul and Silas.