Healthy Food Star
A. Read the following story on healthy foods and say three things
- What grew in Adam and Eve's first garden home?
- What did God make Adam do to get more food after he sinned?
- Can you name different kinds of foods that God grows in nature that we can eat?
When God first made this world, He placed Adam and Eve in a beautiful garden full of fruit trees. We call tree gardens, orchards. They also had vine fruits to eat. They arranged the vines to make their first home. Fruit, seeds, and nuts were their first foods.
After Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God told Adam he would have to grow a vegetable garden to get more food. Having to grow a vegetable garden would give Adam exercise and keep him outside in fresh air and sunshine.
Today, fruits, vegetables, seeds (including beans, legumes, and whole grains), and nuts are still good foods to eat to keep us healthy and give us energy to work and play. What is your favorite food that God has made?
B. Let's play a game called, What Am I Eating?
I want you to think of a healthy food you like to eat in your mind. Don't tell me what it is. Now pretend to eat. I am going to ask you questions about it to see if I can guess what it is. "What color is your healthy food?" "Is it crunchy or soft?" "Do you like to eat it for breakfast or dinner?" "Are you eating ___?" Then it will be my turn. C. Do the activity on page 8 of your Little Lamb Activity Book. OR Draw and color a picture of your favorite healthy food.