Seeds FL Star
NOTE: This badge is unique to the FL Conference but available for anyone to do.
The requirements have been adapted to fit the needs of our club.
The requirements have been adapted to fit the needs of our club.
1. Most plants can be started from seeds. Seeds contain teeny tiny baby plants called embryos, food for the embryo, and a protective coating on the outside. Seeds are like plants frozen in time till the right conditions arrive that make it possible for them to grow up. Let's read a Bible story that Jesus told about a man who planted seeds. Then answer these questions. Which seeds were able to finish growing up into plants? What does the seed represent? How can you grow into the person God wants you to be?
2. Look in your kitchen and see if you can find some seeds! Check inside fruit and vegetables. Look for dry (or canned) beans, nuts, and seeds for eating. Check your spice rack for seeds. Can you find at least 3 different seeds?
3. Make a picture by gluing dry beans or other seeds. OR Draw and color a picture of you planting a seed.
Pin Project Idea: Seeds need only 2 things to come alive (sprout): water and heat. Raise some sprouts. Pick one.
- Plant a dry bean, popcorn kernel, or raw sunflower seed. Keep it moist and watch it come alive.
- Purchase "sprouting" seeds. (Broccoli probably has the most appeal among younger children. Does not taste like bitter broccoli. Radish is also good.) Soak them overnight in water. Then, transfer them to a screen colander. Rinse them morning and night 3 to 5 days. Leave them in the colander to drain in a bowl with a small plate on top to prevent drying completely out. Eat anytime from day 3 onward.