Busy Bee Reading Award
See page 2 of the Busy Bee Activity Book. Children can either read or listen to a book/story. Below are my suggestions for getting this award done easily.
1. Use a children's Bible to read the story of creation or the description of heaven. You may also use my creation story from Memory Mastery.
2. Use the blog page to read the latest Sabbath School Bible story.
3. Use the blog page to read the latest Sabbath School nature lesson.
4. Use the blog page to read the latest Sabbath School Mission story.
5. Use the online fire safety book mentioned in step 2 of the Safety Specialist Award. (This book will simultaneously meet requirements for both awards.)
6. Use the story, The Stinky Kitten, to learn a thoughtful lesson about friends. (Scroll to just above the comments form for the options to download or read online.)