Nature Journal: Honeybee DanceHoneybees are important insects that pollinate plants, so plants can make fruit or seeds. Scouting honeybees travel far distances from their hive in search of flowers to collect their food - nectar and pollen. Then they come back to the hive to tell the other bees where to find the food. How do they "tell" the other bees? They do a little dance! Watch the video below to learn more about this special dance. Those scouting bees remind me of the first disciples of Jesus. John told His followers to start following Jesus, and some of them did. Andrew was one of them. He then told his brother Simon about Jesus. And Philip, another one of John's disciples, told his friend Nathaniel about Jesus, too. Do you get so excited about Jesus that you want to tell others about Him? The Bible says in Luke 8:39, "Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you." When we find Jesus, we want to tell others how to find Him, too. You can find Jesus in the Bible. Below are some options for experiencing the nature lesson this month. Do one each week. 1. GO - On your nature walk, look for native flowers to see if you can observe any bees collecting pollen and nectar. Can you see the yellow pollen dust on their legs? Bees work very hard during spring and summer to collect enough food to last them the winter. 2. MAKE - Make a bee craft. Check Pinterest for lots of fun ideas. Or learn how to draw a bee. 3. THINK - Every bee has a special job to do to help each other. What if the scout bee decided it didn't want to tell the others how to find food? What if the worker bees at the hive decided they didn't want to go get food? What if the queen decided she didn't want to have more baby bees? A bee colony is like a household. There are a lot of chores around our home, too. What are all the things that have to be done? What chores can you do? 4. DO - Isn't it amazing how God has given bees the ability to communicate so clearly without any words? Play a variation of charades. Pick an object to hide in the house somewhere. Then, without any words, see if you can with body motions describe where it is, so others can find it. (Here's how to make it easy. Put something on a bed and pretend to sleep, or put something on the kitchen table and pretend to eat). Memory Mastery: The SanctuaryThis quarter we are learning facts about the wilderness sanctuary from the Bible and how it reminds us of the ministry of Jesus. This month we will explore inside the tabernacle. The tabernacle tent was divided into two rooms on the inside - the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. Instead of a wall, there was a curtain in between the two rooms. After Jesus died and rose from the grave, He went to the tabernacle in heaven as our Great High Priest to present His blood before the Father to show that He died for the sins of the world. Anyone who accepts Jesus sacrifice on their behalf, gets to have their sin record covered in heaven with His blood. We are declared righteous – that means we now have a right relationship with God. God doesn’t see our sin anymore. No, He just sees Jesus in us. Courtesy of Sweet Publishing and In the Holy Place room, on the altar of incense, the priest burned holy incense. Incense is like perfume. Even though there was a lot of blood in the tabernacle, the place smelled sweet because of the incense. Jesus told His disciples before He left to pray to the Father in His name. This is because as our priest, Jesus would pray with us. His perfect prayers are like incense and carry our prayers up to God. The disciples were to pray for the Holy Spirit power in their lives. Do you pray for this power? Courtesy of Sweet Publishing and The priest had other duties in the Holy Place. Everyday he had to trim the wicks and add oil to the lamps on the golden lampstand. The lampstand was the only source of light in the tabernacle. The light had to shine all day and all night. The lampstand reminds us of the special gift of the Holy Spirit – Jesus’ personal representative to us on earth. The oil represents the Holy Spirit, and Jesus is the Light of the world. After Jesus went to heaven, the Father crowned Him King of the Universe. Jesus then poured out the oil of the Holy Spirit on his disciples on the day of Pentecost, so they could be lights in the world – telling everyone about Jesus. The Holy Spirit also shows us sin that Jesus needs to trim out of our life, so we can shine even brighter for Jesus. Courtesy of Sweet Publishing and The priest still had more work to do. At the table of shewbread, he ate the bread of the presence. Every Sabbath he put new bread on the table. The bread represents God’s Word, the Bible, which tells us all about Jesus – the true bread from heaven. When Jesus was back in heaven, the Holy Spirit inspired the disciples to finish writing the books of the Bible. God wants us to eat His Word everyday, so we can continue to grow stronger and stronger in our faith walk with Jesus our Great High Priest. As we spend time with Jesus at the table of shewbread, the Holy Spirit will show us Jesus in a special way. Courtesy of Sweet Publishing and Inside the Most Holy Place was the Ark of the Covenant. Inside the ark were the tablets of the 10 Commandments – God’s Law. The ark represented the throne of God. Above the ark, was the Shekinah glory of God – His bright shining holy presence. The High Priest only went inside the Most Holy Place once a year on the Day of Atonement, when the priest cleaned the sanctuary of all the sin record for the year. It was the day of judgement. Jesus is our Judge. In the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary, Judge Jesus is making decisions about whom He will take to heaven when He returns. Everyday, let's search our hearts to see if there is any sin that we need to bring to Jesus, so He can forgive us and give us power to obey. Courtesy of Sweet Publishing and Set up your sanctuary model (or draw a diagram on a piece of paper), then use a stone or a pawn to move through your model as you do this prayer station family worship activity.
Mission Team: A School for IndiaThis quarter the world church is focused on helping our brothers and sisters in Asia share the gospel in India. We are going to build schools, classrooms, and dormitories for the children there, so they can learn more about Jesus and get a good education. Please support the world mission project by sending coins to Sabbath School. India has various biomes: rainforest, grassland, and desert. Let's learn some interesting facts about the desert this month. Try to memorize one each week.
Bible Story: A Boat Full of FishLuke 5 Jesus had friends who followed him called disciples. These friends believed that Jesus was the Messiah like John the Baptist said. They wanted to learn more about God from Jesus. One of His disciples was a fisherman named Simon (Peter). One day Jesus was teaching people by the sea of Galilee, also called the lake of Gennesaret. Because the people crowded Jesus so closely, Jesus asked Simon if He could teach from his boat. Jesus climbed in the boat. Simon pushed the boat into the water a little bit. Now, everyone could hear and see Jesus. After Jesus finished teaching, He saw that Simon was discouraged. Jesus told Simon and his friends, "Let down your fishing nets now." Simon knew that during the day was not a good time to fish. "We spent all night fishing and didn't catch a single one. But, if you want me to, I'll do it." When Simon put down the net, it filled with fish! There were so many fish that Simon could not pull it up by himself. His brother Andrew and his friends, James and John, had to all help pull up the net. They had never caught so many fish before! Simon knew it was a miracle from God. "Go away from me, Lord! I am a sinful man," he said to Jesus (Luke 5:8-9 ICB) while he bowed before Him. Simon was ashamed that he didn't trust Jesus more. But Jesus said to him, "Don't be scared for the future. You used to catch fish, but now you will catch men for God's kingdom." Simon and his friends knew that Jesus was inviting them to work for God. They left their boats and their fishing behind to follow Jesus in God's work. Our prayer verse is Matthew 4:19, which says, "Then [Jesus] said to them, 'Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men'" (NKJV). Following Jesus is a great life adventure of helping others. He still calls us today to follow Him, even though He is in heaven. We can follow Jesus in His Word, the Bible. As we read it, the Holy Spirit shows us how to be more like Jesus, so we can know Him better and help others know Him better. When we show others the love of God, we have become "fishers of men." Dear Father God, I want to follow Jesus. Help me read my Bible and obey You. Help me be kind to other people, so they can know You too. In Jesus' name, Amen Below are some options for experiencing the Bible story this month. Choose one each week.
1. Disciple is a special word that means "follower" or "student." Simon, Andrew, James and John were Jesus' disciples. That means they followed Jesus to learn more about God. They literally followed Jesus around wherever Jesus went. Let's play a game called Follow the Leader. I will start as the leader. I will set the timer for 30 seconds. You have do everything I do in that 30 seconds. When the timer goes off, we will switch turns. 2. The Sea of Galilee, also known as the Lake of Gennesarat, was where Peter and his friends worked as fishermen. It gets its water from the Jordan River. It is the largest freshwater lake in Israel. It is surrounded by mountains and towns. Can you point to the Sea of Galilee on the map below? Try this activity. Make a line on the floor with painters tape or string. Start at the top, make a fishing sign with your hand and say, "The Sea of Galilee," then pretend to swim to the bottom of the line while you say, "The Jordan River." When you get to the bottom of the line, throw your arms back (like you are floating) and say, "And the Dead Sea."
3. Peter and his friends used nets to catch fish. They would throw the net in the water. Fish with scales would get caught in the holes of the net. Then, they would pull the net up. Watch this man demonstrate how the fishermen throw their nets in the water.
Pretend to be a fisherman. Use a magnet (your net) and paper clips (fish) for a dry fishing experience. Or fill a large bowl with water, insert a colander (your net), then drop in some items into the water (your fish), and pull the colander out of the bowl to catch the fish.
4. Sing the song, I Will Make You Fishers of Men. Talk about ways that you can help others know Jesus better.
Bonus: Below is a Kids Time Praise musical program on how we can be fishers of men.
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